Health Care Grad

Can a Foot Stress Fracture Heal on its Own?

Can a Foot Stress Fracture Heal on its Own?

A stress fracture is most commonly called a micro trauma to the bone. This occurs due a repeated usage of a particular part of a body causing excessive pressure strain on that particular area. Likewise, a foot stress fracture appears when there is an unnecessary exertion of the foot in any activity and it can lead to substantial complications with respect to pain. Many of us perceive this injury to be perilous and impossible to heal on its own. On the other hand, many are searching for the answer to the question “Can a Foot Stress Fracture Heal on its Own?” Let us investigate the said matter and point out some healing possibilities for such foot stress fractures.

Fundamental Learning About A Stress Fracture

A stress fracture is regarded as a minute hairline crack or fracture in the bone. The main reason for the occurrence of such injury is excessive physical activity, repetitive muscle tension and the overuse of any part of the body without giving it a rest. Now talking about the foot stress fracture, a sprain or injury to the metatarsal bones leads the whole foot to pain. The problem does not reside only within the midfoot but also extends its pressure or effect to the other areas of the foot including an ankle or a heel.

Underlying Reasons Behind A Stress Fracture In The Foot

There can be multiple reasons that cause a stress fracture to occur in the foot. The main one is subjected to the recurrent action or movement of the foot that causes sprain in the foot bones. Let’s put light on some of the highly predictable factors that trigger such discomfort.

Sports Overtraining

Physical gaming enthusiasts often complain of these types of stress fractures in their feet. The reason is, that they engage themselves in a restless or increased athletic overtraining and activities, thus inviting a stress fracture to take place.

Inappropriate Shoes

For any sort of physical activity, you should wear properly fitted footwear. For instance, those who participate in such activities by wearing loose-fitted or damaged shoes often have a problem of stress fractures.

Biomechanical Problem

Internal foot structure also matters in the occurrence or non-occurrence of these types of fractures. So, any abnormality in the way of walking due to disturbed mechanics can cause additional pressure leading to a stress fracture.

Lack Of Nutrition

Besides other factors, diet also plays a major role in the proper functioning of the whole body. If a body lacks an adequate amount of nourishment then it may fall victim to weak bone structure due to poor calcium or vitamins B, D and E intake. Moreover, this becomes the highlighted reason for stress fractures

How A Foot Stress Fracture Does Heals On Its Own?

Where there are mild fractures, naturally the body starts working on its mechanism to cure the injury and to repair the tissues on its own. However, there are other implications on which the self-healing function of the body depends. If the problem is severe then it might take medical help to heal. Likewise, a person’s health and his/ her routine lifestyle also have to contribute towards the effectiveness of the healing process.

Miscellaneous Fracture Management Practices

Pondering on the fact that “Can a foot stress fracture heal on its own” there lies some healthy practices that may support a quick self-healing function. What are these?

Proper Rest

Rest plays an imperative role in managing stress fractures for healing. Therefore, when you feel a foot stress fracture you should practice certain things to overcome it. It may include:

  • Avoiding weight-bearing activities that can apply excess pressure on the affected area.
  • Players should change their routine lifestyle or avoid indulging in highly intense activities to allow proper healing.
  • Make sure to involve a RICE practice, i.e., Rest, Icing, Compression and Elevation for a speedy healing process.

Appropriate Diet And Nutrition

A proper nourishing diet acts effectively in bone healing. However, an intake of food containing important nutrients like vitamin D or calcium helps in making the body’s natural healing mechanism efficient along with making the bones strong.

Medical Assistance

In spite of practicing all effective fracture self-management procedures if the problem still persists then a medical intervention becomes necessary. Treatment may vary according to the intensity of the stress fracture.

  • Employ a foot immobilization technique with the help of a brace, boot or cast. This keeps the foot movement static leading towards stress prevention.
  • Physiotherapy also acts helpful in improving the entire foot strength. It allows for greater flexibility to minimize the chances of further fractures.
  • Inserting custom-made callipers or orthotics on the fracture site may help in stress fracture healing in a quicker manner.
  • Over-the-counter NSAID medicine may help in alleviating pain and inflammation effectively.

Stress Fracture Healing Time And Its Effect

There is no specific time for a stress fracture to heal. Its healing tenure varies from situation to situation. Therefore, some people may get relief in a short time while some have an extended problem owing to varying intensities, the foot fracture’s site, and the current health status. Generally, a fracture of mild nature may take 6-8 weeks to recover, but on the other hand, severe conditions may extend the healing process to months.

However, the thing here to note is that a foot stress fracture inflicts a long-standing impact on the overall foot’s physical condition. In this case, the healing process doesn’t matter.  People who have suffered from such microtrauma or foot injury need to practice a continuing foot care routine. Moreover, they should follow precautionary measures, and a fit working routine to save themselves from future fractures.


In short, it has become clear to those now whowonder “can a foot stress fracture on its own”. The answer to this is for sure yes but there may come certain aspects that impact the healing process. Proper resting, good nutritional food, and injury management actions are vital for healing a stress fracture itself instead of getting medical help. Stay tuned with Health Care Grad to unveil more interesting facts.