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How To Fix Receding Gums

How To Fix Receding Gums

Healthy gums fit tightly around the crown or the part of the tooth you can see. When the gums pull away or recede, the roots of the teeth become visible. Even though gum recession can’t be fixed, some treatments can bring gum tissue back around the teeth.

This is called receding gums, when the gums pull away from the teeth. This shows more of each tooth and its roots. It is called gingival recession, which is a type of periodontal disease. Gingivitis and periodontitis are two other types of periodontal disease.

This article talks about the different ways to treat receding gums. We also give tips on how to stop or slow down its spread.

How to fix receding gums? Several things can cause the gums to pull away from the teeth, such as:

Periodontal disease

Gums, alveolar bones, ligaments, and cementum, the hard tissue that lets the periodontal ligament attach to a tooth, are all parts of a healthy mouth.

Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, is an infection and inflammation of the gums and other parts of the upper mouth. Plaque, which is a buildup of bacterial deposits, is the cause of this inflammation. Periodontal disease can be caused by or made worse by the following:

  • Changes in hormones caused by pregnancy or the use of oral contraceptives or medicines that dry out the mouth
  • crooked teeth, fillings that are damaged or don’t work right, bridges or partial dentures that no longer fit, and so on.
  • oral hygiene issues
  • Some diseases, like Down syndrome and Crohn’s, make it important not to smoke or use any tobacco product.
  • Diabetes got worse with age.

Periodontal disease can be broken down into two stages. First, gingivitis makes your gums red and swell up. If you don’t treat it, you may also have bleeding, which can lead to periodontitis. In the later stage of periodontal disease, called periodontitis, there are four stages of how bad it is.

Brushing too hard or wrongly

To keep your teeth clean, you need to brush them every day. But receding gums could be caused by brushing your teeth incorrectly.

The gingival margin is the part of the gum that touches the crown of the tooth. If you brush wrong or too hard, you can hurt this area, leading to gum inflammation and loss of gum tissue.

Some things about brushing that can cause gum recession are:

  • putting on too much force
  • using a hard or medium-bristled toothbrush and a wide, horizontal motion to brush the teeth
  • Grinding and clenching your teeth
  • While they sleep, some people grind their top and bottom teeth together.
  • When you grind your teeth, you put a lot of pressure on your gums, making them shrink over time.

Teeth can also become loose in their sockets if you grind your teeth. Also, grinding makes deep spaces between the tooth and the gum, where bacteria can grow. These bacteria can cause gum inflammation and gum recession.


A review of the research found that the body’s natural aging process causes receding gums. Over time, repeated exposure to bacteria and other agents damages the alveolar bone and soft tissue.


When the gum tissue is hurt directly, the gums can start to pull away from that area. Some examples of these kinds of injuries are:

During a fall or other accident while getting dental work done while wearing partial dentures that don’t fit right while playing contact sports


The National Institute on Aging says there is a link between smoking and gums that pull away from the teeth. For example, the previous literature review found that people who smoke are twice as likely as those who don’t smoke to have gums pulling away from their teeth.


Depending on what’s causing the gums to pull away from the teeth, surgery may or may not be needed to fix the problem.

Proper dental care: How to Fix Receding Gums

When rough brushing is to blame, the first step in treating the problem is to look at how you take care of your teeth. The following may be part of the care plan:

  1. Changing your toothbrush often: A soft, ultrasoft, or electric toothbrush with a force detector is an effective treatment.
  2. Fluctuating your toothpaste: Avoiding too rough toothpaste can help keep gum recession from getting worse. A person with sensitive teeth could also use a paste.
  3. During root planing, plaque and tartar are taken off the teeth’ roots. After that, a dentist will use special tools to smooth the roots, which helps the gums reattach to the tooth.
  4. Getting your teeth cleaned and checked by a dentist regularly: Going to the dentist at least twice a year for an exam and cleaning can help treat gums that are pulling away from the teeth.
  5. Scaling and planning the roots
  6. Root planing and scaling are two of the first treatments a dentist may suggest for gums pulling away from the teeth. These procedures remove plaque and tartar from below the gum line, which you can’t reach with a regular toothbrush.

Prevention: The following oral hygiene tips can help:

The following tips can help stop or slow the process of gums pulling away from the teeth: Clean your teeth and gums well.

 How To Fix Receding Gums; Flossing regularly \ using a fluoride toothpaste \brushing the teeth and gently along the gum line twice per day using a soft-bristled toothbrush \ using an antiseptic or fluoride mouthwash to reduce bacteria and flush out debris \ choosing a size and shape of toothbrush that allows access to all parts of the mouth \replacing toothbrushes at least every 2–4 months \attending regular dental appointments.

  1. Use the correct brushing technique.
  2. Adopting the correct brushing technique can help prevent the gums from receding.

The American Dental Association provides the following guidelines:

  1. Applying gentle pressure, sweep the toothbrush back and forth using small, tight strokes.
  2. Brush the outer and inner surfaces, as well as the chewing surfaces, of the teeth.
  3. Brush the teeth for 2 minutes in total.
  4. People can also ask their dentist for tips on modifying this technique to manage their receded gums.
  5. Place the toothbrush against the gums at a 45-degree angle.
  6. When cleaning the inner surfaces of the front teeth, hold the toothbrush vertically.

Attending regular dental checkups is vital for detecting the early stages of gum recession. Checkups also enable the dentist to identify and replace faulty fillings or ill-fitting partial dentures, which can contribute to receding gums.

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